Saturday, August 4, 2012

In My Queue: Smitten

My Ravelry queue is full of delightful projects—so many that I’m sure I’ll never get to them all.  In this category, I’ll share some fun patterns that I haven’t been able to knit yet, but that I desperately hope to be able to knit in future!

As a nerd, I’m smitten with the punny name of this design (sMITTEN! Ahh!) and the concept is just as cute.  I’d love to knit this along with a set of matching mittens—then each half of the pair can keep the non-smitten-clad hand warm as well. 

The mitten is even heart-shaped!  This definitely tops the list of most-romantic-knits.

What’s in your Ravelry Queue?

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