Monday, August 13, 2012

Sock Put Medal Ceremony

I’m proud to say, I have completed the Sock Put competition for the third annual Ravellenic Games!

Modeled by my beautiful sister, you can see the full extent of the Soft Waves pattern from the Toe-Up Two-At-A-Time Socks book by Melissa Morgan-Oakes.  I love how the cabling looks almost like braids!

I wanted to ensure a loose bind off, so I tried the sewn bind off for the first time, and was happy with it.  It turned out fairly stretchy, but the edging is not very consistent.  I’m looking forward to experimenting with further bind offs in future.

The Olympics’ time limit was an excellent motivation to complete my first pair of socks in a timely fashion, and I’m already planning my second pair!

The Completion Medal in Sock Put Goes To......


Sunday, August 5, 2012

On the Needles: Sock Put

As promised, here’s a check in on my Ravellenic Games work.  The socks are exactly half-way done, and I’m absolutely loving knitting these socks!  It’s moving so quickly and the cable design looks almost like a braid.  Check out how they look on my sister:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

In My Queue: Smitten

My Ravelry queue is full of delightful projects—so many that I’m sure I’ll never get to them all.  In this category, I’ll share some fun patterns that I haven’t been able to knit yet, but that I desperately hope to be able to knit in future!

As a nerd, I’m smitten with the punny name of this design (sMITTEN! Ahh!) and the concept is just as cute.  I’d love to knit this along with a set of matching mittens—then each half of the pair can keep the non-smitten-clad hand warm as well. 

The mitten is even heart-shaped!  This definitely tops the list of most-romantic-knits.

What’s in your Ravelry Queue?