Welcome to my brand new knitting blog: Keep Calm and Carry
Yarn! Here you’ll find patterns, yarn reviews, knitting tips, LYS (Local Yarn
Shop) reviews, and updates on my latest knitting adventures.
We will be joined by guest bloggers from time to time, but
most of the posts will be written by yours truly. I learned to knit two years
ago and haven’t been able to put down the needles since! I love learning something new with each
project and I absolutely adore working with colorful, fluffy, yummy yarns. In addition to being an avid amateur
knitter, I’m a college student looking forward to an adventuresome future in
the corporate world.
As a Welcome Present for visiting the site, here is the
official “Keep Calm and Carry Yarn” poster! I hope to upload additional
colorways soon.
Poster is for personal use only, created by Ariana Gunderson
using Keep Calm and LCR Lesley’s Crafts fonts.
Congrats on your blog, Ariana! Looking forward to many purls of knitting wisdom!